As Rguroo users, you are at the top of our list with quick response times and a knowledgeable support team. We offer two support service levels: Premium and Standard.
Premium support for faculty
All faculty accounts include Premium support for free. Faculty get all the benefits listed in the “Premium support for students” section below. Additionally, faculty can request
online training/workshops for a group of faculty,
one-on-one online training and
If your institution’s site license (or bulk purchase) includes Premium support, all students in your institution will enjoy Premium support benefits. Moreover, you can request live online in-classroom presentations by one of our Rguroo experts, for example, for a getting-started session.
Premium support for students
Premium support for students includes the following benefits:
Contact support on the Rguroo Premium Support Page. Your information is auto-filled. You simply type in your message.
You get responses to your emails in less than 2 hours during the following extended hours: Monday through Friday from 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. (PST), Saturday and Sundays from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. (PST).
Online one-on-one support via Zoom by appointment.
Troubleshooting account registration and software issues.
Help in using the Rguroo application.
I have n Rguroo account. How do I check if I have Premium Support?
Go to the Premium Support page, and type in your email. If you don’t have Premium support, you will be sent to a page to subscribe to it.
What if I have a Rguroo Access Key? Some Rguroo access keys include Premium support. However, if your Access key does not include Premium support, you can purchase premium support during the registration of your account or at any time by going to the Premium support page and entering your email address.
Standard support for students
Every student’s Rguroo license includes Standard support without additional fees. With standard support, you get the following benefits:
Contact support on the Rguroo Support Page.
You get responses to your emails during standard business hours of 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (PST) and within 48 hours of the receipt of your inquiry.
Troubleshooting account registration and software issues.
All communications are via email only.